Melanie Farquharson and Jenni Tellyn
May 30, 2023
Recent insights on client-facing knowledge initiatives
We attended two events recently (ILTA’s Knowledge Management Special Interest Group meeting and The Future Lawyer conference) which shone...

Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp
Mar 31, 2023
I Robot: the rise of AI, machine learning and ChatGPT in legal
Paul Longhurst writes… Following on from article 17 in this 3Kites' Navigating Legaltech series, I wanted to look at the impact of AI on...

Paul Longhurst
Dec 13, 2022
Practice management in peril? The benefit of hindsight
In this article Paul Longhurst draws on his 16 years experience in the PMS market giving his views on it's current state.

Jenni Tellyn
Nov 30, 2022
Tellyn's Top Ten Takeaways from Legal Geek 2022!
"The karaoke machine and the foam high five fingers are back in their boxes after the epic two-day Legal Geek conference earlier this...

Jon Howells
Nov 17, 2022
With great Power (Apps) comes great responsibility
Let’s start with a quick review, at a very high level, of what the “Microsoft Power Platform” is. Wikipedia defines it as ‘a line of...

Jenni Tellyn
Oct 20, 2022
"The Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK, Mr Vadym Prystaiko, kicked off this year’s conference with his rousing entreaty to continue to...

Paul Longhurst
Sep 23, 2022
Fixing A Hole – The rise and rise of Cyber Essentials
Increasing numbers of law firms are looking for help with the UK government’s Cyber Essential scheme but don’t really understand what...

Paul Longhurst
Aug 4, 2022
Should I stay or should I go… the practice management dilemma for smaller law firms
3Kites ran a seminar back in 2015 called ‘PMS – the perfect storm’, so named because practice management products like Thomson Reuters’...

Paul Longhurst
Jul 7, 2022
Why law firms should be celebrating independence on 4 July
When a law firm engages a consultancy like 3Kites, it may not consider if the advice is unfettered by any of the potential suppliers that...

Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp
Jun 21, 2022
Why systems support is the way to a good night's sleep
Why does it matter if a product is out of support, especially if it continues to run without problems in an unchanging technical...